Sunday, September 19, 2010

Influences of Advertisements on Teenagers

Advertisements have huge impacts on peoples' lives. Teenagers have more chances of being affected as they are still at the developing stage, both emotionally and physically. They tend to buy products advertised on television because they misunderstand how the product might affect them in the long run. In most cases it doesn’t work that way. 
Peers play enormous roles in teenagers’ lives. Friends affect the way they react to advertisements and to be more specific, the products they want to buy.  It's true that it is hard to balance out friends and family and, sometimes advertised products may lead to fights and money problems. Teenagers feel the need to "fit in" with the group, by purchasing the items their friends' possess. Sometimes this may lead to bullying and harassment.
FOOD. Ahhh……..Food is one of the most affective advertisements. I am sure that all of us have caught ourselves drooling over some mouth-watering junk that’s extremely harmful to our health. But when you actually go out and consume the product, it's not really as good as the advertisment is it? That’s exactly what advertisers are trying to achieve. They are using the media to try and get you to believe that their product is absolutely the best thing you could ever have.
One of the most common and effective ways that advertisers use to get you to buy the product is to feature a currently famous star in their advertisements. That way, teenagers really want to buy it because they think their idol is using the product.
In conclusion, advertisements can influence teenagers in many different ways, both directly and indirectly. So next time you see an apealling advertisement, it's good to think about it before you buy it.
- By Supriya Aryal

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